The best bulbs to brighten up your garden | Home

The best bulbs to brighten up your garden | Home

Raise your spirits this winter by bringing some much-needed color and fabulous perfume indoors with a show of potted bulbs. Over the approaching weeks plant a mixture of bulbs that may be “pressured” into early progress, and tender ones which might be raring to bloom, and so they’ll present a welcome distraction from the darkish nights and gray days.White narcissusGETTY IMAGESThe paper-white narcissus, Narcissus papyraceus, produces clusters of beautiful, small, pure white flowers with a glowing silky sheen. It’s prized for being the best bulb to develop indoors, and the cultivar ‘Ziva’, probably the most available, has a exceptional heady perfume, though it isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. If you’re not eager the cultivar ‘Inbal’ is extra delicately perfumed.The bulbs could already be producing shoots when

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About the Author: Jessica